Welcome to MMC - Milngavie Mountaineering Club

The MMC (Milngavie Mountaineering Club) is a mountaineering club that is based around Bearsden and Milngavie near Glasgow.

Most of our hill walking and climbing involves Scottish mountains in both summer and winter, although there are occasional forays into England, Wales and Ireland.

As well as Munro and Corbett bagging, some members indulge in other mountain activities including scrambling, rock and winter climbs.

Our programme consists of fortnightly day meets, usually on Sundays, as well as several weekends based in hostels or similar accommodation.

Some MMC members practice on the Glasgow Climbing Wall on Monday afternoons & Tuesday nights - see Programme web page for details.

New members are welcome. We meet at the Douglas Street car park, opposite the Post Office in Milngavie at the time listed in the programme. Please contact us by email so the walk co-ordinator and members can welcome you.

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A history of the club can be read in the Members Information.

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